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Homekit Infused 5

Homekit Infused 5 2023

Homekit Infused 5



Addons are baked-in preconfigured cards that you can turn on/off on any view. You can add an addon by adding the key to your view configuration (which is done in /hki-user/config/views.yaml). ALL addons are preconfigured with a vertical-stack and a title, you MUST keep this in mind when defining addons. Each addon has some extra options for the stack, so the first section of each addons documentation shows you those extra options.

You can control the placement of the addons by using the layout addon and/or by changing the order of defining your addons. The addons that are defined first will be rendered first. How to exactly configure an addon depends on the addon and you should read the addons specific documentation before adding them to your configuration.

# views.yaml (example how to add addons)
    subtitle: Overview
    icon: mdi:thermostat
        - title: My thermostats
            - # Thermostat addon config here!

    subtitle: Overview
    icon: mdi:vacuum-cleaner
        - title: My lights
            - # Button addon config here!


Name Description
air_visual A nice looking air quality card
area_card new A HA core card that shows you area/room information
battery An addon to give your view a battery levels overview
button The all powerful button-card, probably the only addon you’ll ever need
calendar The default Calendar card
camera An addon to add your camera’s to a view
custom The ultimate addon that allows any card or multitude of cards!
energy updated Recreate the HA energy dashboard in lovelace
entities An easy to use entities card
favorites Show a stack with shortcuts to your favorited views
gauge updated Show simple gauges for your entities
glance An easy to use glance card
google A Google Home TTS card
humidifier new Core humidifier card
history This is the core HA graph card which you can use as an alternative to the graphs addon in HKI
iframe A handy iFrame card that you can use on your views
logbook Keep track of your entities with a logbook
markdown new The core markdown card with all its features available
map A map to track your entities
media_player A Media Player addon
menu Show the menu on other views than…. menu!
meteoalarm A nice card to show you your weather alerts
picture_elements The core picture elements card for HKI
plant_status Monitor your plants
plex A very beautiful Plex addon
remote_control A beautiful remote control for Nvidia Shield TV/Apple TV
sensor A core sensor card
shopping_list new A simple shopping list for use on your views
statistics_card new The newly introduced core statistics card
statistics_graph renamed Create beautiful statistics graphs
sun_card A beautiful sun elevation card
tile new A handy tile card
upcoming_media Show your upcoming and recently added media from your sonarr/radarr
thermostat updated Thermostat buttons for your view
weather The weather addon for HKI, choose between core or simple-weather
xbox An Xbox controller card


Addons can be defined multiple times, this is particularly useful when you want for example a view with a button stack at the top, a map in the middle and another button stack at the bottom.

To define an extra addon of the same type in a single view you MUST add a suffix to the addon name, it doesn’t matter what the name of the suffix is, as long as you use one. addon_whatever:

# views.yaml (example of defining multiple addons of the same type)
    title: Location
        - title: My Quicktoggles
        - title: My second quicktoggles
            - switch.iphone
        - title: Another button addon
            - switch.galaxy

Addons can also be conditional depending on a state of an entity!

# views.yaml (example of defining multiple addons of the same type)
    title: Location
        - title: This will only show when Jimmy is home
          conditional: true
            - entity: person.jimmy
              state: "home"
        - title: This will only show when Jimmy AND Stephanie are home
          conditional: true
            - entity: person.jimmy
              state: "home"
            - entity: person.stephanie
              state: "home"
            - switch.iphone
        - title: This will only show when Jimmy is NOT home AND Stephanie IS home
          conditional: true
            - entity: person.jimmy
              state_not: "home"
            - entity: person.stephanie
              state: "home"
            - switch.iphone