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Homekit Infused 5

Homekit Infused 5 2023

Homekit Infused 5


Addons > Sun Card

A nice air quality card for your views.

HACS Requirements

Name Type Description
Sun Card Frontend A beautiful looking card that shows you the sun’s position

You can use any of the following options to modify your addon, WARNING! YOU MUST SET AT LEAST 1 OF THE FOLLOWING VALUES FOR THIS CARD TO WORK time_format, darkmode, language, show_azimuth or show_elevation.

Stack and Addon config

Name Required Default Description
title no undefined Set the title of the stack, ommitting this line will or setting title: hide will hide the title
view_layout no undefined This is best used in conjunction with the layout addon, but can also be used to control whether to show this stack on different screen sizes.
time_format no 24 Set the time format, choose between 12 or 24
darkmode no undefined Set this to force the card to dark or light mode
language no undefined Changes card language, e.g. English
show_azimuth no false Set to show azimuth in the footer
show_elevation no false Set to show the elevation in the footer
conditional no false Setting this to true will make the stack condtional
conditions no undefined Add entities and conditions, this will determine when this addon will be shown, e.g. if entity x is turned on, then show this addon (see addons for examples
# views.yaml (example minimum config)
        - title: hide
          time_format: 24 
# views.yaml (example)
        - title: hide
          show_azimuth: true
          show_elevation: true
          darkmode: true


Homekit Infused