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Homekit Infused 5

Homekit Infused 5 2023

Homekit Infused 5


Addons > Weather

This addon gives your view a simple but elegant weather forecast card.

HACS Requirements

Name Type Description
Simple Weather Card Frontend A simple weather card (only required if type: simple_weather)

You can use any of the following options to modify your addon.

Stack Config

Name Required Default Description
title no undefined Set the title of the stack, ommitting this line will or setting title: hide will hide the title
type yes core Set the card type, either core or simple_weather, you MUST define this
entity yes undefined Set your weather entity, this must be in the weather domain!
path no weather Change the path the UI will navigate to when clicked, remember that you must have created the view you want to refer to
show_forecast no true Show forecast (only works for type: core)
city_name yes undefined Set your city name (only works for type: simple_weather)
backdrop no false Sets a backdrop image (only works for type: simple_weather)
primary_info no undefined Primary card information, one or more weather attributes
secondary_info no undefined Secondary card information, one or more weather attributes
custom no undefined Override weather information with custom sensors, see examples below (only works for type: simple_weather)
view_layout no undefined This is best used in conjunction with the layout addon, but can also be used to control whether to show this stack on different screen sizes.

Weather attributes (simple-weather only)

| Name | Description | |——|————–| | extrema | Forecast high and low temperature | | precipitation | Forecast precipitation | | precipitation_probability | Probability of precipitation | | humidity | Current humidity | | wind_speed | Current wind speed | | wind_bearing | Current wind direction | | pressure | Current air pressure |

Backdrop object options (simple-weather only)

See Backdrop example for example usage.

Name Type Default Description
fade boolean false Faded background.
day string ‘#45aaf2’ Background color (Day).
night string ‘#a55eea’ Background color (Night).
text string ‘var(–text-dark-color)’ Text color.

Custom option array

See Custom example for example usage. Possible entries are: temp, high, low, state, precipitation, humidity, icon-state, wind_speed, wind_bearing, pressure & precipitation_probability.

  - temp: sensor.home_temp
  - high: sensor.home_high_temp
  - low: sensor.home_low_temp
# views.yaml (example core weather)
        - title: Core Weather
          type: core
          entity: weather.eindhoven
          show_forecast: false
          path: weather
# views.yaml (example simple weather)
        - title: Simple Weather
          type: simple_weather
          entity: weather.eindhoven
          city_name: Eindhoven
          backdrop: true
          path: weather
# views.yaml (example simple weather)
        - title: hide
          type: simple_weather
          entity: weather.eindhoven
          city_name: Eindhoven
          backdrop: true
          path: weather
            - wind_bearing
            - humidity
            - precipitation
            - precipitation_probability
            - temp: sensor.home_temp
            - high: sensor.home_high_temp
            - low: sensor.home_low_temp


Homekit Infused

Homekit Infused