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Homekit Infused 5

Homekit Infused 5 2023

Homekit Infused 5


Addons > Area Card

The Area card lets you control and monitor an individual area.

You can use any of the following options to modify your addon.

Stack Config

Name Required Default Description
title no undefined Set the title of the stack, ommitting this line will or setting title: hide will hide the title
columns no 3 Define the number of columns this stack will use
view_layout no undefined This is best used in conjunction with the layout addon, but can also be used to control whether to show this stack on different screen sizes.
conditional no false Setting this to true will make the stack condtional
conditions no undefined Add entities and conditions, this will determine when this addon will be shown, e.g. if entity x is turned on, then show this addon (see addons for examples
areas yes list of area ID’s List all your areas you want to show up here, you MUST use an Area ID

Areas Extra Options

Name Required Default Description
area yes undefined Set the area used in this card, you must use the format area: AREA_ID
show_camera no false Changes the area picture to a live feed of the camera set for the area.
navigation_path no undefined link to another view e.g. lights
name_size no 18px Set the size of the name in the card
name_color no var(–name-color) Set the color of the name in the card
sensor_label_size no 14px Set the size of the label in the card
sensor_color no var(–label-color) Set the color of the label in the card
sensor_opacity no 0.8 Set the opacity of the label in the card
sensor_icon_size no 18px Set the size of the icon in the card
sensor_margin no 0px Set the margin-top of the label/icon in the card
# views.yaml (example minimum)
        - title: My Rooms
            - livingroom
            - kitchen
# views.yaml (example extra options)
        - title: My Rooms
            - area: livingroom
              name_color: Red
              sensor_icon_size: 20px
            - area: kitchen
              show_camera: true


Homekit Infused Homekit Infused