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Homekit Infused 5

Homekit Infused 5 2023

Homekit Infused 5



HKI comes with preconfigured popups by default. You can set the popup size and set which colors/actions to show in a light popup. There are two different categories and must be defined separately (see last example below).

The settings on this page MUST be configured in /hki-user/config/config.yaml!


Name Required Default Description
popup_size no fullscreen Set the popup size, choose between normal, wide and fullscreen. Note: normal or wide might look bad on a mobile phone!
popup_border_radius no 12px Set a border radius on popups. Note: this does NOT work when popup_size: fullscreen!
# config.yaml (default popups settings)
  popup_size: fullscreen
  popup_border_radius: 25px

RGB and Covers Popups

You must have set your button to type: rgb or type: cover for these changes to have any effect on them!

ONLY height and width will apply to covers, all other settings will only be applied for rgb and color-temp popups.

Name Required Default Description
slider_colored_by_light no true Set if the slider should be the same color as the light
height no 410px Set the height in px of the slider on the popup, it might be useful to lower this on smaller phones, this will set the height for all sliders on any popup type
width no 110px Set the width in px of the slider on the popup, this will set the width for all sliders on any popup type
actions_per_row no 3 Set the number of actions that should be shown horizontally
action_size no 30px Set the size of the action button in px
rgb_popup no undefined Set the action buttons, see options below

RGB Popups Extra Options

You can have as many actions as you want, as long as you define both rgb and hex colors!

Name Required Default Description
rgb_color yes undefined Set the RGB color of the action button, the format MUST be [255, 136, 0]
hex_color yes undefined Set the HEX color of the action button, the format MUST be '#ff8800'
# config.yaml (default rgb popups settings)
    slider_colored_by_light: true
    height: 410px
    width: 110px
    actions_per_row: 3
    action_size: 30px
      - rgb_color: [255, 136, 0]
        hex_color: '#ff8800'
      - rgb_color: [255, 0, 95]
        hex_color: '#ff005f'
      - rgb_color: [40, 255, 0]
        hex_color: '#28ff00'
      - rgb_color: [0, 160, 255]
        hex_color: '#00a0ff'
      - rgb_color: [131, 0, 255]
        hex_color: '#8300ff'
      - rgb_color: [3, 0, 255]
        hex_color: '#0300ff'
# config.yaml (example with both categories defined)
  popup_size: wide
    slider_colored_by_light: true
    height: 410px
    width: 110px
    actions_per_row: 3
    action_size: 30px
      - rgb_color: [255, 136, 0]
        hex_color: '#ff8800'
      - rgb_color: [255, 0, 95]
        hex_color: '#ff005f'
      - rgb_color: [40, 255, 0]
        hex_color: '#28ff00'
      - rgb_color: [0, 160, 255]
        hex_color: '#00a0ff'
      - rgb_color: [131, 0, 255]
        hex_color: '#8300ff'
      - rgb_color: [3, 0, 255]
        hex_color: '#0300ff'


Homekit Infused