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Homekit Infused 5

Homekit Infused 5 2023

Homekit Infused 5


Addons > Statistics

This addon gives your view a core statistics graph card that shows the statistics of a given entity (or multiple entities).

*NOTE: You’re configuring a statistic but your card shows no data, but no errors? That’s caused by a bug in the integration providing the entity. Integrations need to configure their entities correctly so Home Assistant knows that we need to track statistics for it and how. Open an issue with the author of the integration and link them to

You can use any of the following options to modify your addon.

Name Required Default Description
title no undefined Set the title of the stack, ommitting this line will or setting title: hide will hide the title
days_to_show no 30 Set how many days you want the graph to show
chart_type no line Set the type of chart style, you can choose between line and bar
stat_types no list of types Set stat type(s) for this entity to show in your card, see example below. Choose between min, max, mean, and sum
view_layout no undefined This is best used in conjunction with the layout addon, but can also be used to control whether to show this stack on different screen sizes.
entities yes list of entities Set your entity/entities here, you can define more than one entity per card
# views.yaml (example)
        - title: Statistics
          days_to_show: 7
            - sensor.unifi_gateway_mem
            - sensor.memory_use_percent
# views.yaml (example with stat types)
        - title: Statistics
          days_to_show: 7
            - sensor.unifi_gateway_mem
            - sensor.memory_use_percent
            - min
            - max
            - mean
            - sum


Homekit Infused

Homekit Infused